Avoiding Vehicle Burglaries
Most criminals who are looking to steal items from a vehicle are looking for the easy targets. Most commonly known as a ‘smash and grab’, the burglars are looking for high value items that are in plain sight which can be easily and quickly taken after finding an unlocked door or smashing a window. Imagine the costs and inconvenience of not only having to replace a smashed window, but also having to replace your driver’s license, credit/debit cards, laptop, cell phone, etc. Here are some great tips to help prevent being a victim of a vehicle burglary.
- ALWAYS lock your vehicle when left unattended.
- Never leave your wallet or purse in your vehicle and in plain view when leaving your vehicle unattended.
- If you use a portable GPS, remove it from the dash or windshield and place it in your glovebox or trunk when leaving your vehicle unattended.
- Never leave any high value items (laptops, cell phones, jewelry, tools) inside your vehicle in plain view while unattended. If you cannot carry those items with you, secure them in the trunk.
- Use a sunscreen in your windshield, even at night or when parked in a parking structure. This makes it much harder for a burglar to look into your vehicle.
- Remember: Vehicle burglars usually will not break into a vehicle with the intention of ‘searching’ it in hopes of finding something of value. This takes too long and the burglar risks being seen. If there is no easy opportunity that is readily available for a ‘smash and grab’ thief, they will more than likely pass your vehicle and look for a better target.
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station
Crime Prevention Unit
Station: 661.260.4000
SCV Station Website: www.santaclarita.lasd.org
SCV Station Twitter @SCVSheriff www.twitter.com/SCVSheriff
SCV Station Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SantaClaritaValleySheriffsStation